Part 49: 00:23-Around 2:00: Cave Story
Chapter 49: 00:23-Around 2:00: Cave Story
PERCEPTION (HEARING): [Medium: Success] Its like a thousand radio stations are being blasted into your head all at once, but her words are the only ones you can make out.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Cant say its a pleasure, officer. I was really hoping *not* to make your acquaintance. Buthere we are.
SUGGESTION: [Medium: Success] The voice coming through the whirlwind of pain is not malicious. She doesnt want to hurt youbut she has to.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Im using a pale latitude compressor. You and your partner have been caught in its field.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: *Saw my equations*? She snorts. Youve been sniffing through my lorry, right? I expected as much. I *am* a bit surprised you knew what you were looking at
PALE LATITUDE COMPRESSOR: Hhhhhzzzzzzzssss . 136841 hhhhhzzzzzzzzzzssss . 3781303 hhhhhzzzzzzzsssss hzzzzsssss

KIM KITSURAGI: Right behind you, officer. Eyes closed, the lieutenant is doubled over. Hes still alive and breathing.
RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: A pale latitude compressor is used to sort of make the pale more manageable. With a lot of these, you can force a radio signal grid on the paleliterally crunch the distance across it. Signals are relayed across a series of repeater stations fixed to buoys. She pauses. Not a fun job, manning those stations. All alone out there in the pale, people lose their minds in just a few years.
EMPATHY: [Legendary: Success] Sounds like she knew someone who used to man one of those stations. But she wont tell you about her. Boy, youre one empathetic police officer to have guessed even that right now.
KIM KITSURAGI: So, what we are experiencing is a concentration of radio waves He gestures toward something with great effort.
RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Precisely. This is an industrial-strength paraboloid. Its meant for forcing dimensions on something that doesnt *have* them. Needless to say, the frequencies used are out of this world. At the upper limit is the large prime number generator station. Its used specifically for pale latitude compression. Thats why you may be hearing some numbers. But you also might hearor think youre hearinglocal radio chatter.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: I built it myself. She nods toward her torture device.
INTERFACING: [Challenging: Success] And shes proud of it, too. As she ought to be. This is way beyond your abilities.
KIM KITSURAGI: Thats illegal. Im guessing its patented But were beyond that, arent we?

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Noonce I shut down the compressor, the pain will end. She hesitates. It may take a few minutes for you to steady yourself, thoughits a bit like waking out of a very confusing dream.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Yeah, lets not talk about *that* shit. You were hunting me and fell into my trap instead. Thats all there is to say about it.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: If youve got something *really* important to say, you can do it through the white noise.
PALE LATITUDE COMPRESSOR: 236189281 If youre looking for a deal on mattrsses SUHSUHSUHSPEEDFRRRR 21567 32971047302819 Oh Rosaline, oh Rosaline
KIM KITSURAGI: The lieutenant clutches his head, grimacing. Damn this
RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Goddammit. She regards you and Kim with sudden sympathy. Fine, if you really want to talk, I can dial it down. Ive also got a gun, by the way. She steps reluctantly out of the shadows. The pain lessens.
PERCEPTION (SIGHT): [Medium: Success] The gun shes carrying is a two-barreled front-loadernot like the murder weapon.
PAIN THRESHOLD: [Easy: Success] Well, it doesnt *feel* much better, but you can form sentences now. Thinking doesnt seem to hurt as much.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: So you found my shack, huh? Im not surprised.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: So nice. She smiles a little smile. Thats one knife I didnt want to find in my back.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: I was. Before I caught you in the pale latitude compressor. Im fine now.
RHETORIC: [Medium: Success] Thats her admitting the bullet was an emergency exit.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: No, I didnt do it. I only helped stage the lynching. Thought I doubt that makes much of a difference to *you*. Who ratted me out, by the way? Was it Titus? No, she hesitates, he wouldnt have broken first

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Oh. She smiles sadly. Well, I guess I always knew she was a *survivor* above all else.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Aw, fuck. Took some convincing my ass. And those guys *liked* meI know it. If this is what happens to people whom people like
VOLITION: [Medium: Success] A dull despair is creeping into her voice.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: I did, didnt I? And now youve come for me. She scoffs. But fuck them all the same.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Like what? She adjusts her grip on her gun. I already told you I didnt do it.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Yeah, sure, and I didnt like Wild Pines sending in those foreign hirelingsme and a fuckton of other people around here.
DRAMA: [Challenging: Success] I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but I dont think shes perjuring herself.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: No, not since I was 14 and hanging out at the only diner in Dardanne. Havent been into low-risk, no-reward games since moving to the city.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Not murder mysteries, either, if thats what youre thinking.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Why are *you* so hung up on elevators?

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Im not really into old shit for old shits sake.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Dont know it. But also She frowns, studying your face.
REACTION SPEED: [Medium: Success] Evaluating your competence as a police officer.
RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: the shot couldnt have come from the roof. Or we would have all heard it downstairs.
KIM KITSURAGI: She has a point there. No one mentioned The pain stops him from finishing the sentence.

KIM KITSURAGI: A breech-loader?

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: A Nachtwey 80 front-loader. Two-barrelednot really what you were looking for, Im guessing.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: What the hell, man?! She laughs. Yeah, why not? Ive gotten worse.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Nope. Look, she has an *effect* on people. That je ne sais quoi that makes it impossible not to look at her when she walks into the roomand very difficult to look away. Buttravel enough, and you realize

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Thats a very sentimental way of putting it. We both had *pasts* we didnt want to catch up with us. And we enjoyed listening to music together. Why not go on a road trip?
KIM KITSURAGI: The lieutenant watches her expectantly, occasionally shaking from the pain.
RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Okay, fine. She rolls her eyes. I was into her. Klaasje was into me too, for a time, I know itwe even fooled around once. And, yeah, after that I thought maybe we could make a go of it.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: She rolls her eyes again. If thats what she wants on the record, so be it. Im not about to go into details for you to jerk off to later.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: She rejected me with some wishy-washy bullshit about how she was confused because she felt so close to me and valued my friendship so much, and how guilty she felt for leading me on I knew that wasnt the whole story, but thought, fine, Ill take it and move on.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Yeah, one time when wed both been drinking, I said some heated things about how dangerous her patterns with men were.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Go aheadits your body.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Its very powerful. I used it to tune into RCM frequencies. Thats how I knew to be prepared for your arrival.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: So now Im leaving Revolutionary symbols around Come on.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: She shakes her head, slowly. So, heart-of-gold Tommy fucked me over too Never trust a musician.
EMPATHY: [Medium: Success] That really comes as a blow to her.

ARIST: [Challenging: Success] You lie, not for her or even yourself. No, this is for Tommy. This is to at least try to do the right thing by him even youve already lost him forever.
RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Okay, great, you got into my lorry on your own. What now? Youre going to arrest me for drug trafficking? A bitter smile.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Man, its to get *away* from all that murderous shit that I left Jamrockmy previous employerfor the Union.
KIM KITSURAGI: Hnghh The lieutenant is unable to articulate his question.
RHETORIC: [Medium: Success] She deliberately avoided naming the mob she worked for. You might be able to find this out later.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: How should I know? As I keep saying, he already had a bullet in his head when I got to him, and there hasnt been any useful gossip over the radio
PERCEPTION (SIGHT): [Medium: Success] Those rings around her eyes, her tired voiceshes been staying up late listening in on the conversations criss-crossing Martinaise.
KIM KITSURAGI: Police radio? Youve been following the case?
RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Who hasnt? She shrugs. You know, I can still see him there, in Klaasjes room, lying on his side.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: She eyes you warily, as though gauging your sincerity.
KIM KITSURAGI: Its okay We just want to hnghhhhh He struggles to finish the sentence.
RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Alright, dont kill yourself over it. I was shooting the shit with Hardie and the boys over a few beers, like always. Then Klaasje comes in, all pale and shuddering

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: No, I really didnt. Shes not that easy to read. I just assumed shed done too much blow. It wouldnt be a first for her. Butno such luck. She was in some *deep* shit. She asked me to come upstairsthe merc shed been going with was lying on the bedroom floor, dead. I knew she couldnt get the authorities involved. So, yeah

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Yeah. In cold blood. It really surprised mehow quickly she was able to get ahold of herself once we got up there. It was like she was another person. The *party girl* was gone. She asked me to help her drag him into the shower so she could wind the shower head around his neck. To fake lividity. Then she dressed him while I went to get the Hardie boys.
VOLITION: [Challenging: Success] Klaasje knew exactly what she was doing. You cant remain calm under pressure otherwise.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: As I keep telling you cops, we didnt hear anything downstairs. No gunshot, nothing.
KIM KITSURAGI: But even if this is true The lieutenant forces himself to finish the sentence. Werent you worried this lynching might lead to
RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: war? She purses her lips. The thought crossed my mind. But the mercenarys death was going to have repercussions either way. Although, the way things are going
DRAMA: [Medium: Success] She doesnt want to talk about this, but not because she has something to hideshe doesnt want the guilt.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: I saw *you* roll into town. I wasnt about to stick around for questioning by a goddamn La Puta Madre agent.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: She looks at you quizzically. Yesyou. Everyone says youre his peone. His Human Can Opener.

ARIST: [Medium: Success] You can sense your body straining, your knees about to give up on you. You fumble in your cloak for your stash of Nosaphed and shovel a tab or two into your mouth as quickly as you can, hands shaking desperately.
Thats code for we hit 1 health, so I healed.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Everyone in Jamrock. The cops, the criminals Why do you think Im hold up in here with a goddamn death ray, waiting for you?

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Harry Du Bois, she replies quickly. One corrupt motherfucker with the disco pants and the funny tie. Agent to La Puta Madre.
ARIST: [Formidable: Success] Funny tie? You traded that for the cryptid bolo long ago. You miss it, in a way. Just you, Horrific Necktie, and Kim, taking on the world! But, uh, maybe think about that while your brain is not in the process of exploding.
VOLITION: So she knows your name. That doesnt mean youre on the take. Criminals make up bogeyman stories about cops all the time.

DRAMA: [Easy: Success] She doesnt believe you.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Youve been to my lorry. You think the biggest player in Jamrock appreciates competition? She pauses. And now I have Harry Can Opener in my lair. Fucking Titus
SUGGESTION: Shes not going to change her mind that easily. She still perceives you as a threat.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: One of the guys seemed chipper, a blond, the other had a brooding something-or-other about him And the woman the woman was the only one in uniform. All were carrying. She narrows her eyes. That sound about right?
LOGIC: [Medium: Success] *No* idea who these people are. Literally.
ESPRIT DE CORPS: Satellite-Officer Vicquemare looks out of the window grimly, then puts his coffee down and turns to Patrol Officer Minot. We can either take a room here in the Whirling or go home for today.

ARIST: [Easy: Success] *Please* tell me you didnt just confirm to her that you have no backup.
PALE LATITUDE COMPRESSOR: Hhhhhhhhzzzzzzzzzzz friction lock set Zzzzzzzzz Dont leave me here, please Celice!

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Dont know anything about it. No ones been around since I set up camp. But Im sure Im not the first vagabond to Her voice trails off into white noise in your head. It feels like an aneurysm approaching.

Pop another pill

One shot. Make it count

ARIST: [Challenging; Success] Pain coursing through your mind itself, you take one unsteady step towards the compressor. The mere act of shifting your weight as you lower your foot back onto the cold ground causes another spike of agony. You can feel your heart beating and the pain growing again with every wild thrum of blood sent to your head.

ARIST: You keep moving, blocking out the cries of your ailing brain, even as it takes what seems like ages to summon another step.

ARIST: You stop and brace yourself for whats to come. As you have walked closer to the compressor so too has the pain grown. You will surely collapse if you attempt to walk the rest of the way. Only one thing to do, then

ARIST: You cant even look at the compressor, you can barely keep your eyes open for even a second. No matter. You keep forcing them shut even as you brace your knees for the leap, taking your hands off your ears in midair so you can swipe your arm to knock over the compressor before you hit the ground. Youre in more than one kind of pain when you slam into the wet sand, but you hear the compressor fall over. Relief washes over you as the effects fade out

KIM KITSURAGI: The lieutenant hunches, recovering. All good, officer. Be careful.
RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: She looks at the machine, assessing the damage. Her hand trembles.

ARIST: [Easy: Success] Oh, *fuck*.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Problem-solving, she mutters.
KIM KITSURAGI: Maam, put the gun down. Thats not the solution to your problems. You are

We have to act fast.

Barely good enough, but good enough all the same.

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: She stares at you, frozen, the gun still in her mouth, eyes filled with dark intensity. Then something shifts in her.
EMPATHY: Gratitude. Doubt. Shes still ready to go

RUBY, THE INSTIGATOR: Day of miracles she says, pulling the gun out of her mouth, eyes still fixed on you. Then she turns her gaze to the tunnel behind you. Ill take it.

Lets investigate what Ruby left behind, then.

Enough Health medicine to make up for the two pills we had to pop in there, nice.

ARIST: [Legendary: Success] That crack Ruby made about the necktie really got to you. How could you betray it? Better put it back on immediately.

INSTIGATORS TENT: The tent looks old but well-maintained. In the darkness of the tenta rolled-up sleeping bag, cooking utensils, some books and a kerosene lamp.

INSTIGATORS TENT: Assorted softcovers, mostly pulp horror. A motor carriage lies buried in the snow on one cover, on anothera ghost airship. You also see a collection of radio enthusiast magazines.

INSTIGATORS TENT: You pocket the worn brown leather journal.
INLAND EMPIRE: [Medium: Success] A trusted friend left behind

Kims right.

RUBYS JOURNAL: Its made of full-grain leather. The lower left corner of the back cover sports an embossed brand name: SCHNELLER.

RUBYS JOURNAL: The large cursive of someone who writes quickly and confidently.

RUBYS JOURNAL: Its a mix of logistical notes, diagrams, and personal reflections, all dated.

RUBYS JOURNAL: Hard to tell exactlyits mostly noted down in code. Looks like contact information, quantities, directions.

RUBYS JOURNAL: Short, wry observations of people and placesprobably a way to pass the time on the road. Also, what appear to be attempts to sort through some difficult decisions. There are a few passages with many questions in them.

RUBYS JOURNAL: Nothing on March 4th March 5th, though: Well, *thats* bound to come back and bite me in the ass. Im bad at thisloyal to a fault. Except But thats another matter entirely.

RUBYS JOURNAL: That name isnt mentioned as far as you can tell.

RUBYS JOURNAL: Great. Ms peone is coming to town, no doubt to investigate the lynching, but alsoI feel it in my gutto finally put a bullet in my head. While Im napping in my lorry or on a smoke break Well, I wont stick around just to twist my own neck by constantly looking over my shoulder. Then again, isnt that what Ive been doing ever since I got the call?
REACTION SPEED: [Medium: Success] The call? Did M call her personally? Why?

RUBYS JOURNAL: Been holed up here for three days now. Im used to being alone and all, butI dont know when Ill be able to leave, or if Ill be ratted out. They *will* rat me out, of course. Ive made it a point to believe the best in people (the boys, for example), butexperience tells me Did M truly feel betrayed by me? I was feeling threatenedhed have to know if he threatened people, theyd take measures to protect themselves. Even I know that. Economic measures first of all. Gotta make a living, right? I can still hear his voice in the receiver, taste the plastic

RUBYS JOURNAL: The most recent entry is from today. It reads:

KIM KITSURAGI: The lieutenant taps on the page. It looks like she might have been framed?

KIM KITSURAGI: I wouldnt go so far as to say thatwe have other reasons to arrest her.

KIM KITSURAGI: He looks you straight in the eye for a moment, then sighs. No, I dont think you are. Ask someone in your precinct if you want to be sure.
DRAMA: [Medium: Success] He truly does not believe you are. Perhaps he shouldnt be so trusting

KIM KITSURAGI: Maybe she had an accomplice. Either way, we need to keep an eye on her.

Before we return to the Whirling, we have three skill points and we aim to spend them all. We put one point into Endurance so as to potentially prevent our Health from being precipitously drained by a single conversation again like it was with Ruby. We put the other two points into Hand/Eye Coordination and Half Light.

And so, we begin our long walk back towards the Whirling.

HORRIFIC NECKTIE: Oh you will see. (It feels like the tie is rubbing itself against your chest like a cat in heat.)
ARIST: [Challenging: Success] Oh goddammit, you just put this tie back on and its already getting frisky? Youre beginning to remember why you took it off in the first place

HORRIFIC NECKTIE: The bottle opens with a silent, mysterious hiss. The fumes rising from its mouth are as crisp as the northern winds.
SHIVERS: [Medium: Success] Howling somewhere, lashing the boardwalk with brine and rainan ancient warmth crawls under your skin.
VOLITION: [Challenging: Success] You hold the jar out in front of you like its a venomous snake, trying to avoid inhaling any of its thick fumes. Youve been sober a full 24 hours, dont ruin it now.

ARIST: What? Yes you did!

HORRIFIC NECKTIE: As the necktie slides into the purifying liquid, large stains of grease rise off from it and float to the surface. There they quickly dissolve and disappear completely.

EMPATHY: [Medium: Success] Hes struggling to keep silent, but finally seems to give up.
KIM KITSURAGI: Ive got to ask he says, a peculiar look in his eyes. What are you doing?

Um, okay?

So, lets continue back to the Whirling. We have urgent business there that cant wait even a moment. Klaasje lied. About most everything. And we need to talk.

No time for sleep! Only justice!


To the Whirling-In-Rags!

Im running out of things to say!

Okay, were almost there. But whats this thought?

INLAND EMPIRE: Your old friend has prepared you for thisat great cost to himself. Make sure you have the spirit bomb in your hand when *shit goes south*.

ARIST: [Easy: Success] What are they all even talking about? Whats waiting for us ahead? Dont get so ominous, guys. Im sure itll be fine.

ARIST: [Challenging: Success] Because you are completely incapable of following simple instructions, you equip your gun instead of the spirit bomb. Whatever, itll do.

Well just, uh keep it out for now, thanks.

ARIST: [Easy: Success] The glowing neon of the Whirlings sign is already close enough to cast your skin with a faint red light. But as you draw even closer, you realize theres a commotion outside whats going on?

ARIST: Oh no.